
I was admitted into pharmacy in October of 2019, with little to no knowledge about pharmacy whatsoever at least not yet. It was the year which saw the tenth edition of RPSA SYMPOSIUM themed: “building the bridge for achieving pharmacy profession excellence.” After two days of discussions and inspiring presentations, the participants gathered, in their stylistic outfits in a GALA Night to celebrate RPSA’s 10th Symposium. All closed by a memorable Post Symposium Tour to NYUNGWE National Park. THE CANOPY WALK! And this was only in March.  

In July came the long awaited 65th IPSF World Congress organized by IPSF through RPSA and took place in KCC with the theme: “Paving the way towards universal health coverage through young professional.” Pharmacy students, professionals, enthusiasts and policy makers from all around the world convened for more than a week; discussing a way forward of ensuring all people have access to the full range of quality health services they need, when and where they need them, without any financial hardships among other hindrances.

Two events left pharmacy students in Rwanda proud of their profession, with knowledge and awareness of diversity and new insights on worldwide pharmacy stance. 2020 had a bright start but it came to a sudden downward spiral as COVID-19 hit globally forcing lockdowns and suspension of any loading activities including RPSA’s activities; halting everything including the symposium for two years; pushing most of the RPSA activities to be held online or physically but under heavy restrictions for safety and control of the virus.

Under the president at the time Mr. Alain SHINGIRO, a visionary leader and a fellow colleague. RPSA pushed to have a symposium again at every cost; be it a negative COVID-19 test for every physical participant, or funding a streaming service to all online participants to name a few. And through hard work of the committee and other partners including University of Rwanda, RWANDA NCD Alliance, National Pharmacy Council, AFRIPHARM Ltd and AFRICA Medical Supplier; A dream came true! And on 25th march 2022, A blended 11th RPSA International symposium themed: “Towards Good Pharmacy Practice: moving from basic competences to modern practices” kicked off. An event that was long overdue.

Day 1 of the symposium kicked off with the trending topic of COVID-19 and vaccination strategies! We were honored to follow Dr. HAKIZIMANA Jean de Dieu from RBC as he walked us through the immunization progress and strategies employed in Rwanda. We had an engaging panel as pharmacists discussed Vaccine development, strategies, implementation with much more emphasis on COVID-19 vaccines which back then was causing turmoil amongst the professionals because of its hurried development and it was really one of a kind panel!

Throughout the day the word “technology” kept coming and it was of uttermost importance to relate it to our profession pharmacy; this being the most important thing about symposium! Relating pharmacy to other fields therefore broadening our sense of capability and extending our reach to other fields. We heard Pharmacist Samuel S. SINEKA, A ZIPLINE Ghana health system integrator, together with Ines K. Gege BUKI, A Pharmacist and Country Director at CHEMONICS Int. for the Global Supply Chain-Procurement Supply Management; as they testified the ripe fruits reaped from technology and optimistic envisioning for the future as technology becomes more and more integrated in pharmacy profession! Even on the side of education Dr. MUKANYANGEZI Marie Francoise, Head of Pharmacy Department together with Dr. HAHIRWA Innocent Chairperson of National Pharmacy Council (at that time); They shared insights on departmental efforts to develop innovation and Research skills for students.

We wrapped up day 1 with an interesting, engaging panel that saw renowned Dr. NYANDWI J. Baptiste, Phn. UZABAKIRIHO Darius and Phn. BEINGANA Geofrey together as they instilled professionalism in attendees and positive views toward modern pharmacy practices.

Day 2 shone a light on the biggest killer that is of concern to the global community: non-Communicable diseases (NCDs), highlighting the crucial role to be played by pharmacists in their respective positions be it students, community pharmacists, professors or policy makers. A concern of access to sexual and reproductive health care services to the Rwandan communities was raised and discussed with a conclusion of moving from basic mindsets of leaving it in hands of parents to modern practices of being activists to SRHR starting in our own communities. The panel which stuck in the minds of the symposium attendees was themed: “Leading beyond Pharmacy” modulated by Mrs. Phn. Julie MEAVA, residing panelists were Phn. BEINGANA Geofrey and Phn. Christella SHIMWA MUCYO. A panel that concluded the two-day symposium leaving the audience with an inspiration that their horizons extend beyond what they see now.

Mid-meeting; over a meal or as we waited start of next discussion, I had a chance to discuss more about my future profession, such golden opportunity of sitting with an expert who, not long ago, was a student just like me and now makes more than 1 million Rwandan francs Monthly, for obvious reasons that excited and inspired me, but don’t get me wrong; money at that time inspired me but looking back it was more than that; it was the having in-depth conversation with confident speakers whom I just met  as we discussed familiar theories of pharmacy and also get glimpses of practical matters that seemed out of my scope yet so applicable in pharmacy. It was the sharing and challenging of each other ideas on different topics in different fields ranging from basic Good Pharmacy Practices (GPPs), to reasons behind trends in market fluctuations, and to much more complex future projections of which my YEAR-2 mind wouldn’t comprehend. I realized I was in the right place! A place with like minds, a place that favors me, a place that was showing me what awaits me without me asking.

In the symposium your voice matters. It is a wonderful platform to express opinions, a place to challenge the status quo in the profession, and develop interpersonal skills that will surely useful in the future.

12th edition of the RPSA International Pharmaceutical Symposium is themed: “extending the horizon of the pharmacy profession through technology: Break the ceiling for a better future.” With specific targets of exploring the role of modern technology in pharmacy practices, break down together gaps in the capacity building of us; students in pharmacy, in relation to research and innovation and other hot topics.

Let’s meet on 3rd March, NOBLEZA Hotel and connect with international students and professionals to discuss how we can take advantage of technology opportunities in our country, RWANDA and East African Community. And what could be a symposium without a post symposium tour or the Gala Night. A lot is waiting for us! Let’s contribute to the well planning of the symposium by paying a small token; if you ask me, comparing to what we will gain. Thank me later.